KOPLAYER 1.4.1049

 KOPLAYER 1.4.1049

KOPLAYER is a best & free Android Emulator for pc that enables all Android games and apps to run smoothly in Windows systems. It built on x86 Architecture, support advanced features like OpenGL & hardware acceleration, run faster, more stability and compatibility than other Android Emulators. KOPLAYER Android Emulator for pc support multiple accounts, video recording, gamepad & keyboard, and internal integrated Google Play store to compatible with all apps, more than 99% apps & games Running perfect on KOPLAYER. 

The first time we launched KOPLAYER after successfully installing it, it took a while before displaying the home screen. It gave us the opportunity to use an existing Google account or create a new one.

The program generated a virtual Android Smartphone on our computer, which worked exactly as an actual one. Well, the major difference was that we controlled it with the mouse instead of using a touch screen. We also used the large computer keyboard, which offered more convenience.

The Android Emulator had full support for Google Play Store. We could download as many apps as we wanted after linking the software to our Google account. However, you can still enjoy many apps even if you do not have or do not want to use your Google account. The developer's website gives you access to many apps in different categories.

We loved playing games on crisper display on our large computer screen. Keyboard mapping allowed us to have streamlined control using the keyboard, not to mention the ability to connect a gamepad.

In addition to playing games on a large screen, the program gave us the opportunity to record games as we played and save them as video files.

What we have said so far may leave you thinking that all you can do with KOPLAYER is play Android games. The fact is that the emulator allows you to use any other APK file, including things like office applications. We could even access our social networks like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.


KOPLAYER is an intuitive Android Emulator that allows users to enjoy APK games on your computer. It takes advantage of a computer's large screen, keyboard and other resources like high graphics. In addition, the software is compatible with external game pads and controllers. Keyboard mapping allows you to streamline controls and use your keyboard. Record your games and share them with your friends.

Homepage – http://www.koplayer.com/

Size:299 MB


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