Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader is a free PDF document viewer and printer, with incredible small size, breezing-fast launch speed and amazingly rich feature set. In the past, you have to download a huge PDF Reader from another software company, go through a lengthy installation process and wait for an annoying splash window to disappear just to open a PDF document. Moreover, if you want to annotate a PDF document, 

Foxit Reader 7 provides an excellent alternative to the Adobe Reader on any computer running the Windows operating system. View, print, and collaborate easily using Foxit Reader.

Whether you’re a consumer, business, government agency, or educational organization, you need to read and annotate PDF documents and fill out PDF forms. You need your Foxit PDF Reader to be:
 • Fast – so you’re not waiting forever to read files.
 • Lightweight – so it’s easily deployable and doesn’t exhaust system resources.
 • Secure – so you don’t get infected with viruses and can keep sensitive information safe.
 • A Platform – so you can extend the Reader by creating your own value added capabilities for internal use or for resale.

Foxit Reader provides three different ways for you to read PDF files: multi-tab browsing, single document interface mode, and multiple document interface mode. The multi-tab browsing feature enables you to open multiple files in a single instance. If you already have a PDF file open and then you double-click another PDF file, it will be opened in the same window. The single document interface mode enables you to open multiple instances of Foxit Reader. Foxit Reader will create a new window when you double-click to open a new PDF file, which is very useful for viewing different files side by side. The multiple document interface mode sets multiple documents under a single parent window, as opposed to all windows being separated from each other (single document interface).

Features and Benefits:
Easy-to-use review and commenting tools
 * Add comments or suggestions using notes.
 * Highlight, underline, or use one of many other tools to bring attention to specific text.
 * Easily correct mistakes by cancelling the last action with Redo & Undo feature.
New editing tools include Typewriter, Callout, Textbox, and Measure tools
 * Add your comments on your PDF document.
 * Use Typewriter Tool to fill forms.
 * Create comments in a callout text box.
 * Measure distances and areas of objects in PDF documents.
XFA Form Filling
 * XFA (XML Form Architecture) form filler is used to fill forms with XFA elements, allowing you to leverage existing XFA forms.
Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory Rights Management Service support
 * Open an RMS-protected PDF Document.
 * Improve information security, meet compliance requirements.
 * Save time and money with improved business processes.
Free spell checker for comments
 * Find any spelling errors and highlight them with squiggly lines.

Multimedia Support: Add Images, Movies, Links and file attachments to any PDF document
 * Add /Edit /Play multimedia in PDF files.
 * Add an image to a PDF; adjust its size, and position, change the appearance, etc…
 * Attach PDF files and other types of files to a PDF document.
Text Viewer & Text Converter
 * View the whole text content of a PDF file.
 * Convert a whole PDF document into a simple text file.
Add/Edit/Modify Bookmarks
 * Easily modify the bookmarks in a PDF file.
Safe Mode Settings in Installation
 * Set Safe Mode settings during initial installation.
 * Streamline the workflow by setting the option of Safe Reading Mode.
 * Enhanced secure user experience.
 * Enhance protection when receiving a PDF file.

 Operating System:  Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)

New Features in Foxit Reader 7.1:
 * Page Navigation in Web Browser by URL Parameters
 * Add Bulleted Lists in Free Text Annotations
 * PPDF (Pfile-based PDF) File Encryption (Enterprise Reader Only)

Improvements in Foxit Reader 7.1
 * Shared Review Enhancement
 * PDF Stamp Improvements
 * Save and Share Custom Annotation Colors
 * Preview Signatures and Stamps before Application
 * Streamline PDF Scanning Workflow
 * Extend the Usage of GPO Templates (Enterprise Reader Only)

Issues Addressed in Foxit Reader 7.1:
 * Fixed an issue where the application interface became fuzzy in higher DPI.
 * Fixed an issue where users could not join the shared review of RMS protected files with Foxit Reader.
 * Fixed a security issue where memory corruption may occur when converting a GIF file with an invalid value in Ubyte Size in its DataSubBlock Structure, which could lead to a controlled crash execution.

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Size: 36.6 MB


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