


phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB. Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.
phpMyAdmin book phpMyAdmin Starter

phpMyAdmin comes with a wide range of documentation and users are welcome to update our wiki pages to share ideas and howtos for various operations. The phpMyAdmin team will try to help you if you face any problem; you can use a variety of support channels to get help.

phpMyAdmin is also very deeply documented in a book written by one of the developers – Mastering phpMyAdmin for Effective MySQL Management, which is available in English and Spanish.

To ease usage to a wide range of people, phpMyAdmin is being translated into 72 languages and supports both LTR and RTL languages.

phpMyAdmin is a seventeen-year-old project with a stable and flexible code base; you can find out more about the project and its history and the awards it earned. When the project turned 15, we published a celebration page.

    Intuitive web interface
    Support for most MySQL features:
        browse and drop databases, tables, views, fields and indexes
        create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, fields and indexes
        maintenance server, databases and tables, with proposals on server configuration
        execute, edit and bookmark any SQL-statement, even batch-queries
        manage MySQL users and privileges
        manage stored procedures and triggers
    Import data from CSV and SQL
    Export data to various formats: CSV, SQL, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet, Word, LATEX and others
    Administering multiple servers
    Creating PDF graphics of your database layout
    Creating complex queries using Query-by-example (QBE)
    Searching globally in a database or a subset of it
    Transforming stored data into any format using a set of predefined functions, like displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link
    And much more...

Changes in phpMyAdmin (2015-09-24):
 – issue #11492 AUTO_INCREMENT statements are partly missing from exports

Changes in phpMyAdmin 4.5.0 (2015-09-23):
 + rfe Pagination for GIS visualization
 + issue #6207 Usability improvements for console
 + issue #6310 Access to Add columns text-box and Go button when creating table
 + issue #6007 Add lock tables, disable keys options
 + issue #6306 Additional page locking
 + issue #6314 Support MySQL 5.7 syntax for password change
 + issue #6319 Display/edit index name
 + issue #6318 Toggle autocomplete of table and column names
 + issue #5633 Manage multiple variable in bookmarked query
 + issue #5642 Show edit/delete also when there is calculated column
 + issue #6313 Show databases as list instead of as dropdown when no database is selected
 + rfe Optional dark theme for the console
 + issue #5053 PDF schema sort options
 + issue #5543 Structure in PDF export
 + issue #6327 Have ZeroConf create phpmyadmin DB if possible
 + issue #5462 Warning before silent data conversion/truncation
 + issue #6338 Support a default page in designer
 + issue #6339 Allow copying mutiple rows
 + issue #6334 No SQL query for loading data
 + issue #6341 New data validation feature and datetime type
 + issue #6324 Importing and exporting pMA meta-data
 + issue #6330 Add grouping to stored procedures in the navigation tree
 + issue #6275 Support IPv6 browser transformation
 + rfe Option groups for ‘With selected’ dropdown in database structure page
 + issue #6347 Support CHECKSUM TABLE operation
 + issue #6088 Support for Paramaters with raw SQL
 + issue #5844 Show original size of truncated columns
 + issue #6114 Explain analyzer
 + issue #6186 Add “Drop partition” option to partition tools
 + issue #6354 Procedures window shift-click should select multiple rows
 + issue #6355 Designer: “Sticky” menu option
 + issue #6357 Directly show table comments in structure view
 + issue #6259 Page-related settings
 + issue #5356 Alter privileges when renaming or copying a database
 – issue #11256 Slowness due to large number of routines
 – issue #11258 GROUP_CONCAT shown as GROUPBY_CONCAT in CodeMirror autocomplete
 + issue #5946 Work with –skip-grant-tables
 – issue #11266 “Sort by key” drop-down value is lost
 + issue #6287 Browse: improve display of right-aligned data
 – issue #11265 Textarea rows settings ignored Features > Text fields
 + issue #6358 MIME types should be lower case
 – issue #11226 Drop table doesn’t remove the table name from navigation bar
 + issue #6360 MySQL and MariaDB functions INET6_ATON and INET6_NTOA
 – bug Link to get real row counts of all the views in a db, at once
 – issue #11275 Drizzle version numbers
 + issue #5400 Rewrite print view using CSS; fixes print view failures on multi-query statements
 + issue #6362 Support spatial indexes in table create form
 + issue #6068 Use CTRL or ALT plus arrow keys for navigation in grid editor
 + rfe Remove support for Shift + Click on function name to apply to all rows in insert/edit page
 + issue #6326 Don’t group tables in tree if the result has only one group
 – issue #11287 When hide table structure actions is false, action should be in a row
 + issue #5425 Batch changing the collation of each column in a table
 – issue #10918 QBE generates wrong query
 + issue #6292 Use plain English descriptors instead of script names for icon link destinations
 + issue #6239 Disable foreign key checks for some operations
 – issue #11296 “With selected” links doesn’t work in table browse
 – issue #11166 Query builder: missing joint for the intermediary table
 + issue #6251 Integrate SQL debugging into console
 – issue #11061 Improve/restore non-unique index row editing
 – issue #11301 MySQL errors are not shown when DebugSQL is enabled
 + issue #5037 One file per table and one file per database export option
 + issue #5759 Designer settings should be part of saved state
 + issue #6257 Option to remove functions, procedures, etc., from navigation tree
 + issue #5388 Column privileges and update
 + issue #6231 Cant use external config file
 + issue #6252 CSV import: Allow “Columns escaped with” to be optional
 + issue #6262 Being able to use multiple servers at the same time when using cookie auth
 + issue #6301 select structure or data for each table when exporting
 – issue #11261 Autocomplete completes the original table name when joining multiple aliased tables
 + rfe Remove configuration storage data related to a user upon deleting the user
 + issue #6298 Improved processlist for mariadb
 + issue #6300 Warn about “Any user” potential problem
 + issue #6368 Hide/disable edit links for read-only variables
 + issue #6365 Human readable/writable URLs (html5 api)
 + rfe Support virtual columns in MySQL 5.7.5+
 + issue #6215 Support for virtual/persistent columns in MariaDB
 – issue #11314 Undefined work upon upgrade to new version
 – issue #1817 Creating configuration storage tables fail in MySQL 5.7
 – issue #6118 Parser does not handle nested selects
 – issue #5437 Support SELECT … FROM DUAL
 – issue #4962 Support UNION
 – issue #11322 Missing null checkbox when grid editing a null cell
 + Upgrade TCPDF to version 6.2.9
 + issue #6102 Add SHA256 security password support
 – issue #10250 Displayed git revision info is not set
 + Improved schema SVG export
 – issue #10726 Do not try to set port 80 for https requests
 + issue #11394 Export/import Designer view
 + Partition support in table Structure
 + issue #11414 Unclear export options / organization / hierarchy
 Set minimum required PHP version to 5.5 (older versions are EOL)
 – issue #11407 ALTER TABLE failing on import when table exists
 – issue Do not export `sys` database when exporting server
 – issue #11436 CREATE DATABASE should be enabled by default on server exports
 – issue #11442 MySQL 5.7 and SHOW VARIABLES
 – issue #11445 MySQL 5.7 and Status page for an unprivileged user
 – issue #11448 Clarify doc about the MemoryLimit directive
 – issue #11489 Cannot copy a database under certain conditions

Homepage –

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