
عرض المشاركات من أغسطس, 2014

PDFCreator 1.9.5

PDFCreator 1.9.5 PDFCreator is a straight forward tool that allows you to create a PDF file from any Windows program. With PDFCreator you can create Adobe Acrobat files, also known as Portable Document Format (PDF) files on Windows PC. PDFCreator is a printer driver; it transforms the generic printer commands generated by programs into PDF commands and stores them in a PDF file. The result is that you can now create PDF files from almost all programs that can print. Use it like a printer in Word, StarCalc or any other Windows application. The program installs as a virtual printer driver. To create your PDF file, simply open the source document, choose Print in your application, and point it at the PDFCreator printer. Click Save, specify a file name and folder, click Save again, and that’s it – in just a second or two you’ll have a PDF version of your file. PDFCreator provides separate controls for colour, greyscale and monochrome images, and each let you define details like the precise...

Maxthon Cloud Browser

Maxthon Cloud Browser Maxthon Cloud Browser 4 is powered by Maxthon’s cloud engine, makes seamless web browsing no longer just a concept. These state-of-the-art, cloud-power, next-generation web browsers work in concert and make it easy for users to maintain a continuous experience, un-tethered to a single device or operating system. Maxthon Cloud Browser moves files, data and web session information from browser to browser, unconfined by a single set of cloud products or devices. Maxthon Cloud Browser creates continuity by addressing the fundamental issue faced by all web users today: how to manage information in a seamless and unified way while using many different devices. Doing this well requires a commitment to 3 major product principles. Maxthon Cloud Browser for Windows uses the fast and efficient, innovative dual-core design using both Webkit and Trident, that ensure all web pages are displayed quickly and reliably. Maxthon Cloud Browser 4 launches the next era of we...

AVG Anti-Virus Free 2014 14.0 Build 4765a8097

AVG Anti-Virus Free 2014 14.0 Build 4765a8097 AVG Anti-Virus FREE 2014 is the well-known anti-virus protection tool. AVG Anti-Virus Free 2014 is available free-of-charge to home users for the life of the product! Rapid virus database updates are available for the lifetime of the product, thereby providing the high-level of detection capability that millions of users around the world trust to protect their computers. AVG Anti-Virus FREE 2014 is easy-to-use and will not slow your system down (low system resource requirements). AVG Anti-Virus Free 2014 is for private, non-commercial, single home computer use only. Use of AVG Anti-Virus Free 2014 within any organization or for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Your use of AVG Anti-Virus Free 2014 shall be in accordance with and is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the AVG Free Edition License Agreement which accompanies AVG Free Edition. AVG Anti-Virus Free 2014 Highlights:  • Surf, and search with confidence, ...